Wednesday, September 24, 2014


This morning in the shower I plugged my ears and listened to the sound of the water beating against my head. I really liked how it sounded but then I started to think about my brain being inside there and it slightly freaked me out. I just don't like how one organ that looks like a misshapen grey prune can control everything about me. Does this make my brain self-conscious?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Work train.

Somewhere in an office. A toy train that travels throughout the entire building. There are glass tunnels in every office so that all employees get a chance to see it. An app that allows employees to deliver a tiny package once a week to brighten someone's day. They set the destination via the app and place the package on the train. When it arrives at the destination, the glass tunnel opens and the tiny package is pushed from the cargo hold down a tiny chute. This way, even if the person is out the package is still delivered. The app makes sure that everyone gets a package before allowing someone to receive a second one. Maybe it also assigns you a person.